Our Projects

Here are some of our ongoing events and projects related to Project {FUTURE}

  • Code.org Teacher Professional Development Series - Introduction & Deep Dive Workshops for Computer Science Fundamentals

  • Computer Science Education Week/Hour of Code December 7th-13th

  • Virtual Coding Clubs

  • Principal’s Coffee

  • Code.org Professional Learning- Computer Science Fundamentals

Code.org Teacher Workshop Series

Beginning in Winter 2021, Project {FUTURE} Partner Schools will engage their full K-5 faculty in Computer Science Professional Development from Code.org to introduce the elementary CS curriculum, Computer Science Fundamentals. Teachers will complete the Introductory & Deep Dive workshops.

Teachers, please visit the Teacher Landing Page for more info and resources!

CS Education Week Dec 7th-13th 2020

Big Red Codes!

Big Red, our SHU mascot is joining the Hour of Code fun!

Project Future has collaborated with the Sacred Heart University Marketing Team to create a short, peppy Hour of Code promotional video you can share with your school as part of your Hour of Code Celebration!

Brideport Public Schools District-wide Hour of Code event 12/11

Remember to share the great news of your participation in Computer Science Education Week on Social Media

Help us raise awareness for the importance and joy of connecting kids with CS!

#CSforCT #CTSDE #teachcode #CSforAll #CSEdWeek


Tag our Project Future Team so we can boost your content!
